Google Bombs are sites put up by people with critical sense of humour at Google
When you type these strings and press "I'm Feeling Lucky" you get a Humorous Parody or somethin like that
Miserable Failure - This Led to George Bush's page in White House Website
French Military Victories - ??? try urself what appears
More Evil than Satan Himself --> this gave Microsoft
Weapons of mass destruction --> gave a page saying DNS ERROR Cannot find WMD
Elgoog - The google mirror image site
Please let me know of any more google bombs.
do you not know litigious bastards returns the SCO group ? Quite a well known bomb.
a search for liar returns Tony Blair.
arabian gulf returns the persian gulf.
try these on google :
nigritude ultramarine
seraphim proudleduck
visit Wiki:Google Bombs
Great. How come no one had taken a domain such as Google Speak before you? A major oversight, maybe.
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